SENSEI is a BNP-funded project, logistically supported by IPEV, that investigates the behavioural and demographic responses of seabirds and seals to changes in sea ice both in the Arctic and in the Antarctic.
FIELD REPORT: Check-out what Pierre-Loup has been up to in Cooper Island
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Pierre-Loup went to spend a few weeks in Cooper Island to work with George and his team on our guillemot friends. Read the report of this year's situation here. Started well... Ended up not that good!
Hi all, This is the first post of the SENSEI's blog. Watch out for the forthcoming information on fieldwork reports, scientific publications, symposium and other events.
George was live on the U.S. National Public Radio show, On Point , based at WBUR in Boston, Massachusetts. Together with Karen Frey, lead author of the "Arctic Ocean Primary Productivity" chapter in this year’s NOAA Arctic Report Card, they described how the Arctic has been warming, pushing The Region — And Planet — Into Uncharted Territory! And George nicely advertised the role that SENSEI played in helping him continue his research with the assistance of foreign funds...
It was a pleasure for SENSEI members George Divoky, Kyle Elliott and Christophe Barbraud to host a recent topical session at the 2017 Arctic Change meeting in Quebec, Canada. The weather was bitterly cold and snowy, and it felt like the perfect place for an Arctic meeting. One of the neat parts of Arctic Change is that it breaks down the 'silos', bringing together over 1000 Arctic scientists working across many different disciplines, so we had social scientists, health scientists and Inuit attending many of the talks. The topical session, held December 17 and 18, 2017, was entitled " Pagophilia in a world without ice: ecology of ice-associated wildlife in the 21st century " and included 11 speakers spread over two days, as well as several posters. Highlights included an interesting talk by Dr. Divoky showing the effects of ice loss on pagophilic Mandt's black guillemots, which have now lost their ice habitat, and a talk by Dr. Jeanniard du Dot on 'ice...
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